Sponsored Students

Do you remember a teacher, coach or family friend who was encouraging and influential?

The type of person whom you will never forget because they made you feel like you mattered.

Sponsored Students is designed so you can let a student know they matter. It allows you to get to know your student on a longer term basis providing hope and encouragement through email communication and donations. 

We ask for a 1 year commitment. As a donor you receive:

  • Emails from the student
  • Pictures and videos
  • Quarterly updates and receipts

But none of this compares to the feeling you receive when you help a young person who is trying to become the first person in their family to obtain an education past the 8th grade.


We met Donah in 2010. She was not living at home but living with another family in Naivasha. Since Donah was one of the oldest children in the family she wanted to get a job, go to school and send what money she could back to her mom. You see her father died and her mother was struggling with HIV. We sponsored Donah so she could attend college with the understanding that if her grade average dropped below a “C” average we would stop sponsoring her. Donah did very well, in 2011 we found a sponsor for her. She started teaching part time as a student teacher and in 2016 Donah will receive her Bachelors Degree and teaching certificate.


We met Naomi in 2011. She lived in a slum near Naivasha. Her mother works the flower farm and her father works in a church. Naomi is the oldest child in the family. She has a younger brother and sister. Naomi’s parents bring home about $150 a month. All five family members live in a room that is about 15 foot wide and 30 foot long. They do not have running water, electricity, kitchen, bedrooms or bathrooms. Her father asked us if we could sponsor his daughter. She had trouble learning in school. We spoke to her teachers and they told me she had a learning disability but her living conditions also played a part in her ability to learn. In 2011 we sponsored Naomi so she could attend a private school. It is amazing to see how she has changed. Her grades have improved from a “D” average to a “C” and sometimes “B” average. Naomi writes letters to her donor. She talks about her friends and her favorite subjects. She is very happy in her new school and living conditions.

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