
The greatest problem facing students in Kenya is the opportunity to attend high school.

The World Bank reported in 2012 that 60% of Kenyan students never attended school beyond the 8th grade.

We confirmed this statistic during a meeting with the Naivasha Ministry of Education. However, in their region 60% – 80% of the 8th grade students graduated but never went onto high school.

The parents, of these students, work at the local flower farms earning between $1.50 – $3.00 US dollars per day. With wages this low most families cannot afford to pay the 8th grade test fee ($15 US dollars) so their child cannot take the high school entrance exam.

In 2013, the Mirera Primary School headmaster reported to us that 94 out of 315, 8th grade students went onto high school. This means 221 students or 70% could not pay the test fee and take the high school entrance exam. A student with a grade average of a “D” or above can take the test so a low grade is not a barrier to entering high school.

To address this issue, in 2014, we asked the faculty to form a committee in order to work with us on this issue. The committee requested a $50 scholarship for each student selected. The scholarship would pay for:

  • Test Fees
  • Lunch on test day
  • Study Guides
  • Mentoring

The committee selected 20 students, who they believe, would do well in high school. The students were selected based upon their:

Grades – Students with A, B, C, and D were selected. A couple of the students with low grades showed great potential so the committee wanted to provide them an opportunity.

Financial Assistance – Every child in the slum is poor, however the children they selected are orphaned or have experienced a tragedy.

A $50 scholarship provides an opportunity that can change the life of a student. 

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