
Seed For Life is dedicated to improving the quality of life and quality of education for children who are in school. We started at Mirera Primary School in 2011. This educational institution is located in Mirera – Karagita the largest slum in the rural community of Naivasha, Kenya.
Today we assist the students through the 8th grade providing; uniforms, lunches, technology, and scholarships.

Future plans entail:

  • Mentoring students and parents
  • Providing educational resources and school supplies
  • Sponsoring students from 8th grade through college
  • Building a learning center for the local schools and community
  • Building a trade school/college prep school

What makes us unique is our roadmap to support these projects through self sustaining programs. We define a self sustaining program as a small profitable business providing a service to the local community. The revenue from these programs will sustain the school projects.

Whats Next?


Our passion is to encourage, guide and assist students, and their families, as they break out of the cycle of poverty – changing their lives forever.


Our approach is to work with the local community, school staff, and their committees in order to understand the barriers to student education and the issues faced by the teachers. Based upon their input and our own research we submit a results oriented plan for their approval. Then we implement the plan and adjust it as we continue to work with the students, families and faculty.


The way to permanently impact the social fabric of a community is to assist the people who want to help themselves.

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