
In 2006, we had one child in high school and another in college. It seemed like once a month they would tell us of a friend requiring a book, computer, sports equipment, art activities or financial aid. Our efforts to assist students who wanted an education, but couldn’t get that little bit of extra help, led us to start Seed For Life, a California based 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

In 2010, we took a trip to Kenya, spending most of our time in a tourist area known as Naivasha. During this trip we experienced a level of poverty below that of people living in our poorest neighborhoods. This trip changed our vision from assisting students in the USA to assisting students in Naivasha, Kenya.

In 2012, after 2 years of donating to individual college students, we decided to expand our reach by creating educational and humanitarian projects for students attending grades 2-8 at Mirera Primary School. In 2013, we established an office in Naivash`a and hired a part time project manager. The Kenyan Non-Governmental Organization audited our work in Naivasha and awarded us with NGO status. Now we are recognized as a non profit organization in
Kenya and the USA.

In 2014, we established a partnership with A.I.C Naivasha Polytechnic. They manufacture Mirera school uniforms and resell us computers at a price below retail. We benefit from the price break and at the same time support their students as they learn a trade.

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