Inspiring Growth Through Education

In 2006, we had one child in high school and another in college. It seemed like once a month they would tell us of a friend requiring a book, computer, sports equipment, art activities or financial aid.

Our Work

Many students go an entire day without anything to eat. The teachers also reported a lot of confrontations between students with food and those without food. After receiving this information we looked for studies done within the United States school system and discovered that one of the barriers to learning and social development is hunger. Research by the United States Department of Agriculture, Journal of Nutrition, and the Food Research and Action Center show lower attendance, tardiness, anxiety, and aggression all decrease once a feeding program is instituted.


Seed For Life is dedicated to improving the quality of life and quality of education for children who are in school. We started at Mirera Primary School in 2011. This educational institution is located in Mirera – Karagita the largest slum in the rural community of Naivasha, Kenya. Today we assist the students through the 8th grade providing; uniforms, lunches, technology, and scholarships.

Sponsored Students

Do you remember a teacher, coach or family friend who was encouraging and influential?

The type of person whom you will never forget because they made you feel like you mattered. Sponsored Students is designed so you can let a student know they matter. It allows you to get to know your student on a longer term basis providing hope and encouragement through email communication and donations.


The greatest problem facing students in Kenya is the opportunity to attend high school.

The World Bank reported in 2012 that 60% of Kenyan students never attended school beyond the 8th grade. We confirmed this statistic during a meeting with the Naivasha Ministry of Education. However, in their region 60% – 80% of the 8th grade students graduated but never went onto high school.


Uniforms are more than clothes.

A school uniform to many people is something a student wears if they attend a private school. It can symbolize belonging, discipline or a religious belief. To some a uniform can symbolize prosperity, where only certain students, meeting specific social requirements, are accepted.

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